2014 has been a busy year for Workplace Learning students at Sevenoaks. 112 students were interviewed and went through an Induction process at the beginning of the year. Both Year 11 and Year 12 students began their work placements in term two. Students are involved in a variety of industries including Child Care, Community Services – Teachers Aide, Aged Care, Health, Automotive, Retail, Office, Hospitality, Animal Care, Graphic Design, Cabinet Making, Plumbing, Painting, Electrical, Floor and Wall Tiling, Welding, Panel Beating and Photography.

Employers frequently comment how delighted they are with the students’ performance in the workplace; “A great team member”, “Uses her/his initiative”, “Is really helpful” are just some of the many positive comments made about our dedicated students.
Alicia Stone, Year 11, had a work placement at Red Dot Maddington and did such a great job that her employer converted the placement to a School Based Traineeship, as did the employer at Best & Less Maddington for Sophie Moore (year 11). Brayden Jones went through a competitive selection process to secure a School Based Traineeship at City Beach in Murray Street. These students are working towardscompleting a Certificate II qualification and they are getting paid!

Liam Saffiotti had a work placement at Royalty Plumbing. He was such a good worker that he was offered and accepted an apprenticeship and started at the end of term 2.