Over three days during the school holidays, 16 year 12 ATAR students visited Curtin, Murdoch and ECU Joondalup and Mt Lawley campuses.
At Curtin, university ambassadors, showed students the Engineering areas and gave them valuable insight to student life. They also toured around the Health Sciences, Commerce and Library facilities.

At Murdoch University, the Head of Science showed the students areas of engineering; the Lab Assistant at the Anatomy Department provided
knowledge of the subject and allowed the students to handle specimens. Also the budding media stars of Sevenoaks were treated to ‘behind the scenes’ of filming, sound and radio production. At ECU, students toured around the Joondalup campus, led by the Head of Engineering, who showed them the Motorsports, Mechatronics, Electronic and Computer Systems areas. Students also viewed hospital wards and the simulated human models which allow nursing/midwifery and paramedical students to practice ‘real life’ medical situations.

At the ECU Mt Lawley campus, students toured through WAAPA’s dance studios, theatres, fashion design, costume, and the many art studios, to whet the appetites of the creative members of the group.

A further 10 ATAR students were involved in UWA’s Fairway three day winter school sessions involving master classes in English as well as other relevant study techniques. Thank you to all the universities that have given their time to our students.

uni taster