As the year goes by, more of our students now have a Driver’s Licence and are choosing to drive to school. We
have a large car park between the main building and the enterprise wing and students are welcome to use it but we
have a few rules to make this safe and fair for everyone.

Students should apply to become a Registered Driver. The forms for this are at the front office. As a Registered
Driver, when you enter the College grounds, you must:

  • Obey the 8 k/h speed limit and give way to pedestrians
  • Not allow other students to sit in the car while it is parked
  • Not carry other student passengers unless both the driver and passenger have written permission from the passenger’s parent/guardian
  • Not allow another student to drive the car or bike
  • Motorcyclists must wear a helmet until the bike is parked.

If you arrive to find there are no free parking spots, you should find another
parking place outside the College. Be aware of time restrictions at the Leisureplex and ticket requirements at the Train Station to avoid a fine.