Each year staff and students at Sevenoaks Senior College enjoy the opportunity to show Year 10 students from Cannington Community College and Yule Brook College what it is like to come to Sevenoaks in Year 11 and 12.

Making program choices for 2016 can be quite daunting with such a vast array of courses and certificates to choose from so Showcase Day is an opportunity for the Year 10 students to see what is on offer. It is also a great chance for these students to experience the Sevenoaks environment. Many current Sevenoaks’ students participate in the day as tour guides or helpers. Their perspectives on the school and what they enjoy about their courses provide a valuable insight.

Students enjoyed the activities such as coffee making and precision cutting in the home economics area, viewing samples through a microscope in science and visual displays or talks in various other areas. Students finished the day feeling well informed about their future choices. The students who came along to the Showcase Day were excellent representatives for their current schools and Sevenoaks Senior College staff are looking forward to their return as Year 11s in 2016.
