Each year staff and students at Sevenoaks enjoy the opportunity to show year 10 students from Cannington Community College and Yule Brook
College what it is like to study at the College. Moving into upper school there are so many different and new courses and certificates to select. Teachers try to provide year 10 students with an opportunity to find out what the courses are about and to let them experience the Sevenoaks campus. One year 10 student from Yule Brook summarised the experience:
“At the end of the day… many kids had changed their minds about what course they wanted to study next year, questions students had were answered
and everyone enjoyed the food at the café. Overall everyone enjoyed the day, took all the information they received and came back to school the next day talking to teachers about what they had learnt, seen and how excited they are to return to Sevenoaks for year 11.”

showcase day