Students who are studying an ATAR or UniReady course will have exams over the next few weeks.

Year 12 Exams will run from Friday 26 May – Friday 2 June.

Year 11 Exams will run from Thursday 1 June – Friday 9 June.

Please see Exam Timetable images below to find out when and where you need to be. Individual ATAR and UniReady Exam Timetables and the SSC Examination Rules and Conditions have been distributed during Advocacy. The timetables display your student photo and number. You will not be permitted into the exams without it.

Students who have 3 or more ATAR/UniReady courses requiring exams are only required to attend College when they have an exam. They are not expected to attend any classes during the exam period. When they do not have an exam scheduled, they are expected to use the time to prepare for the exams yet to be completed. All students are welcome to use the library during the exam period or, with your permission, study from home.

Students who have 1 or 2 ATAR/UniReady courses requiring exams must attend exams at the scheduled time. On days when their exams are scheduled, they do not have to attend any other classes. On days when they have no exams scheduled, attendance at General, UniReady and Certificate courses is required.

We know exams can be stressful, but remember here at Sevenoaks we are proud of you no matter what, just try your very best! Please reach out to your teachers for support or pop in to our Student Services Hub located next to the Cafe!

Check out these awesome study tips: