During our Term Three College Assembly, Yakira Venagiam, representing the Student Guild handed over a cheque for $500 to Lee-Anne Ashley from Foodbank WA. It was raised from the ticket sales of the Sevenoaks’ Got Talent event.

The Student Guild selected Foodbank WA as their chosen charity for all the help that it gives to Sevenoaks and other schools around the State. Foodbank provides food to the College and we are very grateful for this help. They currently supply food to over 430 schools across the State. They run a successful School Breakfast Program that directly reaches over 17,000 children, serving over 55,700 breakfasts and 22,800 ‘emergency’ meals per week. The $500 raised will help Foodbank WA feed over 100 students for a week! This is a worthy charity that we at Sevenoaks recognise and support.