Sevenoaks Senior College is happy to welcome two cultural exchange students who will be studying here for the rest of 2015. One student is Embjorg Lund who has come from the northern part of Norway. Perth was an area she had on her wish list to visit as she has a friend already living here and family that had lived here previously. Schooling in Norway is different as they do not wear uniforms and all books and education are free.

Embjorg is looking forward to experiencing the Australian culture and has said that winter in Norway is very cold! The other student visiting is Maria Stoppani who comes to Sevenoaks from Milan in Italy. She was happy to visit any part of Australia and Perth was where an available exchange came up. Schools in Italy run from Monday to Saturday from 8am to 1pm, and students are placed in a fixed class where the teachers move to the student’s classroom every hour. Maria is keen to learn about a new culture and way of life and is looking forward to improving her English.
