All ATAR students

On the round table in the Library are the University files for you to read to see what degrees are on offer and the Indicative ATAR required for 2016 entry. Where applicable, I have included the ATAR score of the last person to be accepted in the course. For example,...

Soccer Competition

Sevenoaks College has been represented by three senior teams in the 2016 Champion Schools Football (Soccer) competition throughout term two. The first match for the Sevenoaks/Cannington girls soccer team unfortunately ended in defeat at the hands of Rehoboth College...

Ukelele Lessons

Sevenoaks Senior College students were excited to be given the chance to play the ukulele when Ms Karen Wallis, a new EAL/D teaching staff member in 2016, showcased her unique musical ability using the instrument during a demonstration and practice session on Harmony...

Sevenoaks’ Got Talent

During the annual leadership camp, the Student Guild planned an event with the aim of unifying all students at Sevenoaks. They came up with the idea of a fun talent show. The Guild organised themselves into sub-committees and planned the entire event starting with a...