Celebrating Harmony Day 2018

Harmony Day at Sevenoaks Senior College was a significant day of celebration which allowed Sevenoaks students and staff to share their richly diverse cultural heritage. The theme for 2018 was “Everyone Belongs” which embodies the shared values of the College...

Dwellingup Day Trip

Nine students from the Clontarf Academy participated in a day trip to Dwellingup in week one of term 2. One of the activities on the trip was a coaching clinic at Dwellingup Primary school where the Clontarf students taught football skills to sixty primary school...

Students on the Move

Eighteen students braved the wintery conditions during the first week of the holidays to visit the campuses of the universities of Edith Cowan at Joondalup and Mt Lawley, UWA Crawley and Notre Dame Fremantle. These students were taken on guided tours to the...