Wet weather was forecast but could not dampen the rivalry between the Years 11 and 12 Physical Education Studies students for the annual Sevenoaks Hockey challenge! Both teams had been coached under the watchful eye of Kaye Goulding, who ran this year’s WA Hockey Coaching Clinic.

The Year 12 students had the memories of last year’s win as they lined up ready to take on the Year 11 group. It was a fast and furious game of skill and determination from both teams as they battled to score. With no score at full time the tension heightened as teams lined up to take penalty shots. Finally, the year 11 team clinched a 4 – 3 win.

All players played extremely well and it was difficult to choose an outstanding player, however, based on skills and speed the year 12 Man of the Match was Brett Woods and Cedric Anderson was the Best Player from the year 11 students.

Laurie Packham, an icon of WA hockey, presented the trophy to the winning year 12 team.
