• Free Tutors
  • After School (afternoons and evenings- time depends on library)
  • Personalised

Imagine getting free and personalised help from qualified tutors.

www.yourtutor.com.au is a free service that some local community libraries are providing.

To quote their website

“We connect thousands of students around Australia to tutors who provide instant help and coaching in all main subjects. Students and their parents love yourtutor because it’s a smart way to take the stress out of schoolwork and be better prepared for exams and tests. There’s nothing else like it in Australia!”

What you need:

You need to have a library membership card with one of the following libraries, as well as a computer with internet access.

City of Armadale Libraries
City of Canning Libraries
City of Joondalup Libraries
City of Stirling Libraries
City of Swan Libraries
City of Wanneroo Library Service
Town of Kwinana Public Library

To log in using a City of Canning library card, click here.

Subject Information

yourtutor is designed for students in Years 4 -12 and provides one-to-one academic support in the following subjects:

Maths – Yr 11-12 General maths
Maths – Yr 11-12 Intermediate maths
Maths – Yr 11-12 Specialist/Extension maths

Science – Yr 11-12 General Science
Science – Yr 11-12 Biology
Science – Yr 11-12 Chemistry
Science – Yr 11-12 Physics

General English
Essay Writing

Assignment Research:
(Finding information, organising reports/assignments, etc.)

Study Skills:
(Time management, note taking skills, revision techniques, etc.)