I hope you enjoy reading the newsletter as it presents all of the events that students were engaged with during the term. It has been a busy term with lots of amazing outcomes for students.  

I am proud to announce that Sevenoaks is a finalist in the WA Education Awards in the category of Excellence in Cultural Responsiveness. Over the past 23 years we have been dedicated to equity and reconciliation through culturally responsive practices by creating a learning environment that honours and integrates Aboriginal cultures, histories, and languages. Significantly, our Follow the Dream program has for 20 years, contributed to improving Year 12 success rates for Aboriginal students. Through our culturally responsive manner, we have ensured that our students and their families feel a strong sense of connection and belonging at Sevenoaks. I am proud of being a finalist in this prestigious award which highlights the achievements of our partnerships with the Polly Farmer Foundation – Follow the Dream; Waalitj Foundation – Deadly Sista Girlz; BG&E; and until recently, Clontarf Football Academy who have all supported us and our students to achieve their goals. The winner is announced on 11th November, 2024.

One of the extra special events in term three is our annual NAIDOC celebrations. This year was no exception as local elders welcomed us to country and shared their stories. Our First Nation students were great examples of emerging young leaders sharing song, dance and words for us all to enjoy. We are always grateful for the influence our First Nations community have on us at Sevenoaks. We are privileged to be located on their land and to have formed enduring partnerships which have supported achievement for our students.

Our very positive learning environment extends beyond the grounds of Sevenoaks as students engaged in work placements, industry visits, sporting competitions and excursions connected to their specific courses of study. At the same time, we have a great social environment in which we encourage students to get involved with events and activities.

I am sure the College Ball was a great highlight for all those students who attended – our students all looked amazing and were great ambassadors for Sevenoaks on the night. Other events students engaged with included a sugar rush bake sale, hospitality mocktail event, science quiz, book week, ‘R U OK Day’, and ‘Wear It Purple Day’. Finally, ‘Sevenoaks Got Talent’ lived up to its expectations as students jumped on stage to perform and share their unique talents. What a great afternoon of entertainment.

Now to 2025, as we are currently enrolling students, many who attended our recent Open Day. The range of courses and pathways continues to attract many students from outside the Cannington area. Our pathways to students’ futures continues to be a strong incentive for them to come to Sevenoaks alongside our Young Adult Ethos. The outcomes our students achieve is the best possible promotion we could have as a senior college specialising in industry and university pathways.

Finally, good luck to our Year 12 students as they prepare to leave us. We have loved having you here with us as you brought much energy and enthusiasm and made Sevenoaks a great place to be. The College won’t be the same without you. As you leave as young adults, we wish you all the best on the pathway to your future.