Dear Students and Parents,

We are excited to invite you to attend our Parent Afternoon on Wednesday 26 June at Sevenoaks Senior College in the main building.

Please see below for more information:

Sevenoaks SC Parent Evening – Term 2

Wednesday 26th June from 3:45 – 5:30pm

  • You are welcome to attend the Parent Evening anytime between 3:45 – 5:30pm. You are not required to be present for the full 2 hours.
  • No individual meeting times with teachers is required. We will work on a first in, first served, drop in basis.
  • Meetings blocks will be 10 minutes long to allow as many parent/carers and students to meet with their teachers. If you require longer to discuss your child’s progress, a follow up meeting can be arranged.
  • Year 11 and 12 Reports will be sent out to all parent/caregivers via email on Monday 24 June. You must bring this report with you to Parent Evening.
  • There will be clear signage in the main foyer and around the College to direct you to each Learning Area and teacher.

We encourage all parent/caregivers to attend this event, particularly those that wish to discuss their child’s results from Semester 1.

No RSVP is required. We look forward to seeing you in Week 11.