Good morning parents, caregivers and students, 

As most of you are now aware, we are having a school photo day coming up in just under 2 weeks on Tuesday 18 June! 

Your child will have received an order envelope in Advocacy last week or today. If they did not, they are welcome to collect it from the front office ASAP.

When? TUESDAY 18 JUNE  – Advocacy, Zone 4 & Zone 5

Where? School Gymnasium 

What to wear?
School uniform polo, no jumpers for school photos. We will have some spare polos available for students to change into if necessary. 

How will the day run?
Students will go to their normal Advocacy class in Zone 3. Advocacy will be extended to Zones 4 & 5 so students will return to Advocacy after recess until lunch. Each Advocate teacher will be allocated a timeslot for their class to move to the Gym for the group photo. After the group photo, students will move to the next station and have their individual headshot taken. 
Students will then return with their Advocate teacher to their advocacy classroom. 

Can I see and purchase the photos? 
Absolutely! Parent/caregivers have a number of package options to choose from including digital and print photos. This is what your personalised order envelope is for! 

Please be aware that students must bring in the envelope for school photo day, even if you are not purchasing photos. This envelope has a unique barcode which will ensure your name is listed in the correct order for the group photos.

What else will the photos be used for? 
These school photos will also be used for the Yearbook, portfolios/presentation folders and for events such as the Year 12 Presentation Ceremony (as long as the child has photo permissions). 

Questions? Please call the Front Office on 6235 7200 and ask to speak to Dani regarding school photos, or email