Our motto at Sevenoaks is to find your future. We understand that this can be an overwhelming yet exciting time for students. That is why we have developed an excellent career development program to support all students. Key features include:
- enhanced pathway preparation and planning which incorporate 21st Century skills needed for your future success
- participation in our work integrated learning program to ensure all students have access to the world of work
- participation in career education and work exploration activities which will support the development of your learner profile for your future
- participation in a passport to success program as a part of your pathway planning with industry standard soft skills adding to your future employability
If you are not sure of the exact career you want to follow, start with the Job Outlook page. Job Outlook can help you make decisions about study and training, your first job, or the next step in your career.
Explore careers that interest you to learn about their future outlook, pay, main tasks, physical and other demands. Find out about the skills, knowledge and abilities you may need. Get ideas for careers you can aim for now or in the future. Follow links to job vacancies and related courses.
Click here for our 2025 Course Selection Handbook.
Click here for Apprenticeship Information.
Click here for information about Defence Jobs.